Cydira's Cards
Tarot Spreads
Thoughts on Tarot
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Tarot Decks


Welcome to Cydira's Tarot Site.

Here, learn more about the different Tarot decks she uses, the Tarot spreads, and anything more that is Tarot.

As time passes, additional information will become available here. Check back often!

A word about divination.

Divination is the practice of using omens to obtain information. This can be done using tools such as a Tarot deck, Runes, or some other oracle. It can also be done via a more "supernatural" method such as speaking with Angels or the spirits of the departed.

Many different cultural attitudes prevail surrounding divination and with these attitudes come many myths. Divination does not involve selling your soul to some nefarious entity or the cause of harm to others. It does not require the querant (another name for the person seeking information) to believe in it.

A distinction is made between divination and fortune telling. Divination is performed within a religious or spiritual context, where as fortune telling is a purely secular affair, frequently undertaken for entertainment.

Divination services are available free of charge. This, however, will be in relation strictly to spiritual matters. All other matters, be it finances, love, or anything else under the sun will fall under the purview of fortune telling. All advice offered from divination or fortune telling is to be followed at the user's discretion, I claim no responsibility for your actions. If you are uncertain if your question is covered under the scope of divination, please e-mail me for clarification.
Please get in touch to offer comments and join my mailing list for sales and specials!

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Tarot Readings

Dream Interpretation

All tarot readings, dream interpretations, and related services are for entertainment purposes. Spiritual advice given is to be followed at the querant's discretion and I claim no responsibility for their actions.

Seek all needed medical, legal, or other professional advice from persons qualified in those fields.